narrow view
- 狭隘的观点

She has a very narrow view of the world .
Thus , they learn to think in a narrow view .
She takes a rather narrow view of the subject .
For each narrow view , you need to specify
IQ and other test scores provide a narrow view of intelligence .
Having this narrow view of chemistry is damaging in other ways too .
Narrow View refers to the case the offeree losses freedom of contract .
A narrow view sees better .
Well , in the narrow view of forensics , that 's exactly what it is .
However , Populace Education League eventually declined due to its narrow view of Education Saving the Nation .
But there generally existing problems such as much repetition , little feature , narrow view , lower starting point , etc.
But it seems to take a rather narrow view of what is going on in the e-book industry .
A Narrow View Upon the Intellectual Montage Theory of S.Eisenstein
This narrow view completely misses the value that established information architecture concepts and patterns can bring to the SOA solution .
The danger lay in the court 's narrow view of interstate commerce as consisting only goods in transit .
Although they may have a narrow view of the programs'design , 5 they are usually well aware of the business context and business relevance of the software .
Any young and vibrant , full of longing for the future artists are reluctant to become narrow view of the narrow-minded .
Hey , I am not angry with you or anyone . I simply want to change some people 's view on the narrow view of Western civilization .
There are three reasons that cause Locke to land himself into agnosticism : his insistence on a narrow view of empiricism ;
Later , people use it to describe the ones who have a very narrow view . To a frog in a well heaven is only a sieve in size .
Such narrow view of historical materialism led theorists cannot be traced to the fundamental knowledge to practice as a way of human existence , not just the approach to know .
The research about " culture self-consciousness " is only a narrow view angle in the wide visual threshold of culture , but it has close relation with some areas and questions about culture research .
What disturbs me , and one of the reasons I don 't " teach Agile ," is that people tend to develop a narrow view of the world when you give them just one approach .
First , it made a simple definition of auto industry . This paper defined the auto industry in a narrow view which includes automobile manufacturing industry , automotive wholesale and retail trade industry and car services industry .
The display of the message list should be familiar to anyone who has worked with the narrow view of either Lotus iNotes full or lite mode or the Lotus Notes client .
One is the traditional and narrow view of national economic interests that derived from the typical planned economy system . Scholars holding this view advocate developing national economy independently with plans and without opening to the outside world .
In reality , it has been so unendingly trafficked - by Romans , Normans , Germans and more - that to call Salento undiscovered demands a rather narrow view of history .
In this sense , their outlook of harmony is a one-sided narrow view . But this simple outlook of harmony is true and exists everywhere , and it is a factor that concerns whether the society as a whole is harmonious or not .
Compared with the conventional method of planning in land-use evaluation , it can escape from the errors such as narrow view of techno-economy , no further thoughts for human society 's or nature ecology 's development and ignoring the long-term evolvement of nature and society .
The theory of the beneficiary concerned with corporation governance structure impacts greatly on the traditional theory for corporation law . It stresses the independent character of the legal persons representing corporation and breaks down the narrow view of traditional corporation law on corporation and its financial ownership .